“Alright Brandy, we’re going to try to bust into Hooligan.”
Brandy gives you an uneasy smile, “Yes File. I’ll get some necessary programs ready.”
The information that Brandy got from tracking the IP was that the account they logged into was “sapphirefan1987@Hooligan.cdn”. You get you tape player ready in case you need to use it as you begin to stare down the double barrels of the E-mail server.
Brandy waits for you to begin your work as you sit there and think this through.
You begin to remember something about getting into Hooligan with a password bot, but it’s been a long time since you’ve dealt with this service. Of course if you’re going to try that, it would be best to use a tape to help mask your activity, but you’d have to decide which one. Or you could always just try guessing the password.