“His name is Jaheem.” Bunsen says.
Emerald doesn’t recognize the name at first, but visions of a certain foursome reappear in his mind, and the colt realizes that he was the rude zebra diplomat from back in Whiterwater.
Emerald asks if he could maybe remain anonymous in his report about the whole slaver thing. Between Jaheem and his wanted posters he is sure that it wouldn’t be a good idea.
“If you’d like, yes. With the ledger you have given us plenty of evidence to follow up on.” Bunsen says with a beam.
Emerald tells Bunsen that there might have been other shipments of slaves.
“Yes… It is unfortunate, but for the moment they may be out of our reach. We need to clean house a bit before we can go chasing after the other unfortunate victims of this whole ordeal….” Bunsen says, nodding with a frown, his eyes closed in anger.
Emerald is about to ask about a connection between Dejen and Adesola, when he let’s out a loud yawn.
“Now now, you’ve helped enough for today, Emerald. Get some sleep, I assure you we will still be working on this in the morning.” Bunsen says, patting him on the shoulder.
Even if he was sleepy, Emerald doesn’t want to stop talking about the kidnappings. However he recognizes that he is dismissed, and lays down on the carpet and wraps himself up, falling asleep pretty quickly.