Before she had the sad future of sending her sister to the moon, she was quite strong hoofed. Watching over her kingdom was her only priority. Especially after her mentor’s disappearance, she felt the need to hold the rest of her kingdom up without the pillars of equestria to help guide and protect it alongside her. She had felt as if the world of equestria weighed on her shoulders.
This of course had consequences. With her new found priorities, she hadn’t once realized just what her new frame of mind had for those around her. She hadn’t noticed just how her actions were affecting her sister. With this growing isolation between the two, Luna had shut her sister away, leaving Celestia to realize just what her actions had caused. With the attack of Nightmare Moon at hand, Celestia hadn’t an idea of how to fend off this new threat. She had always had her sister by her side to help her out, and without the guidance of her mentor to help, she had done what she had thought was necessary for her people. Sending her sister away.
As Nightmare Moon was no longer a threat, Celestia was left to wonder just what to do next. Without someone to help her, she had made the decision to raise the new upcoming princesses to help her along the way. One of which being a young Cadence, and bringing a new student, Twilight Sparkle, into the picture. Though, as the thousands of years passed, Celestia had made a moral decision to not only watch over her kingdom, but to guide those in her kingdom, no longer ruling with an iron hoof.
Though, as her sister was returned to her side, she had done her best to repair what she had once done. Proving to her sister that she had changed along side her sister in all this time. With a much more lenient Celestia ruling over equestria, she had felt more… at ease. Able to be herself, allowing for others to help her, not being alone after so long.