years after the last part and after peace was confirmed
Queen Starlight and Princess Novo had to return to Seaquestria (omg, the pun tho XD ). Celestia and Novo are now 14 and this is they’re last good bye.
Novo: Hey Tia. runs and hugs
Celestia: I’m gonna miss you, Novo. I’ll never forget you!
Novo: Well, I’ll never forget you either. I still hope you become queen like your mother. I will be so proud!
Celestia: Heh, I hope you become queen too! See you another day, hopefully. whispers into Novo’s ear Thank you for everything, Princess Novo.#
They both then started to tear up
Queen Starlight: Come on Novo, we have to go!
Novo: Well, see you another day.
Celestia: cries a bit Bye.
They both run up for a final hug