Deep in this battlefield, a tyrant smiles as wide as can be
“Good thing you came” he says as if he ever cared for me
The empire, I must save
The princess, I must rescue
I don’t care about those things anymore
I’m gonna fight and destroy you with every ounce of strength I have
Let us end this stupid, silly fantasy,
Peace will come to the land at last. Everyone will praise me as I pass
Then I have been forgotten
Is that what being a hero is all about?
Oh~ I won’t give up easily
It doesn’t matter which of us will fall
We don’t care which of us will finally fall
Nothing really matters anymore
All I wanted to protect was the silent morning
My mother and the smell of her lovely soup
As harsh flames danced over the prairie
No one knew of the pain I carried
Now I know the things that I loved
Woah, They all will never return.
I’m gonna fight and destroy you with every ounce of strength I have
Can I end this fate and save my sanity?
Peace will come to the land at last. Everyone will praise me as I pass
Goodbye, dear friends.
Is that what being a hero is all about?
Ohh, I can’t go back anymore
It doesn’t matter which of us will die
We don’t care which of us will fin’lly die
But even if I die
Even if all the lands die
I don’t care if everything is going to die
*The lyrics of this song are not completly match with the vocal. Because it was write to match with the story. Sorry for anyone who understand japanese. XP