Eris: …..
???: * runs past Eris and trumps her *
Eris: Hey! Do not know where to look?
???: Excuse me…
Eris: * look more closely at it * Solaris? What are you doing with this?
Solaris: * puts the hoof in her mouth * Shhhh, no one can know I’m here
Eris: Okay ….?
Solaris: Can we talk in a less crowded place?
Eris: Of course …
(Slightly further away from Ponnyville Center)
Eris: So what are you doing here?
Solaris: Look, I was …
Eris: ???
Solaris: …. following you
Eris: You what ?!
Solaris: I know it sounds crazy but, you know I’m feeling ‘’ nice feelings ‘’ for you …
Eris: A good way to express yourself
Solaris: Can I Continue?
Eris: * insecure blush *
Solaris: And I do not want to ‘’ choose ‘’ a bride just because my parents want
Eris: * try to stop blushing * Solaris, look at me … what am I?
Solaris: A Beautiful Mare
Eris: * blushing furiously * No! I am a Draconequus, and you are a Prince Alicorn of Equestria, I am rejected by all ponies, if I stayed with you I would ruin your reputation …
Solaris: I do not care, I do not care what they’re going to say, I just want to be happy with who I love
Eris: * blush * This is going to be harder than I thought …
Solaris: * ironic look * Seriously?
Eris: Do not make me use hypnosis on you.