“Out of all the ponies, I would expect only Pinkie Pie would actually get this one. Anyway yes, Pinkie Pie is a chicken for Nightmare Night this year, and Spike is a poorly-disguised Barney. So sad.
On that topic, I have a feeling that Twilight and Princess Luna will be doing a bit of learning on Nightmare Night, considering holidays must have changed over the last thousand years, and Twilight’s such a ‘good student’ (see: colossal bookworm) that she likely never celebrated most of them.
Either way, I can’t wait for Saturday! Happy Nightmare Night Everybody!
While I’m here, I just wanted to say an enormous “Thank You” to all the people that have watched, commented and favorited my artwork, particularly my MLP artwork over the last year.
I realize that I haven’t been able to respond to every one of you due to the erratic nature of my life, but I do take notice and I am very, very grateful.”