I had no idea what Twilight’s age was in the show. I tried doing some research, and I got that she was 20 when the show started. That would make her currently 28 years old. I made her mane longer and her body similar to Cadence. I didn’t add any regal accessories other than her crown.
Show age: 10-13
Actual age: 18-21
It was a bit difficult to determine Spike’s age. The only thing I could find was that he was hatched when Twilight was a filly. Assuming that Twilight was 7-10 at the time, subtracting her entrance age from her current age would give Spike’s current age.
I had Spike look similar to his teenage form and then I added wings. If he did age naturally, he would’ve gone through his molt around the events of “Secret of My Excess.” His actual form would be similar to Garble’s show form, depending if hoarding does affect your height.
Cake Twins:
Show age: 0 (at debut), 2-3 (currently)
Actual age: 6
The only time we’ve seen the Cake Twins older is when they stopped wearing diapers. True, that means that they’ve aged 2-3 years in the show, but that only leaves the audience wondering why the Cake Twins haven’t had their eyes changed.
I used a base (https://horse-bases.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Base-10-666926748) for Pound and Pumpkin. I gave Pound the same mane-style as his foal form while I made Pumpkin’s mane a bit poofy like Pinkie Pie. I don’t think they’ll be old enough to think about their future cutie marks, but they might be close.
Show age: 15-17
Actual age: 21-23
Garble’s age was a bit easier to determine. His body shape did make him look like a late teenager, and that would leave him somewhere between 15 and 17. Since being 18 is considered adulthood, I ruled out him being 18 or 19.
It was difficult to make Garble look older. I tried making him look muscular and taller than Spike. I made his wings and tail bigger, and I added more spines on his back. For his personality, I think he’ll still act like a jerk, but I don’t think he’ll still consider hunting eggs or destroying villages when he grows up. Unless someone provokes him.
Applebloom (and the rest of the CMC):
Show age: 7-10
Actual age: 15-18
Once again, I had to resort to assumptions to determine Applebloom’s age. Since she was a filly, and that she hasn’t hit puberty yet, that would leave her in the 7-10 range. If she did age naturally, she would’ve gotten her cutie mark when she was 12-15. Guess Applejack was right when she said that Apples were the last ponies in their class to get their cutie marks.
All I did was use cheezedoodle96’s vector for teenage Applebloom. No further comment.
Flurry Heart:
Show age: 0 (debut), 12-18 months (currently)
Actual age: 2
Hard to believe it, isn’t it? She was born in 2016, which was 2 years ago. Time sure flies, doesn’t it?
I did some research as to find the average age to start potty-training. I got about 2 years old for girls, and since Flurry’s a pretty smart foal, she could’ve been a quick learner. She might still be a bed-wetter, but I’m pretty sure she would’ve been old enough to stop wearing diapers. Other than removing her diaper, there weren’t any other major changes I could make for the little princess.
Princess Celestia:
Show age: Over a thousand!
Actual age: Still over a thousand.
What? Did you expect her to look different? She’s over a millennium old! Eight years won’t have any effect on her. Vector is made by the one and only Felix-KoT.