They resumed their walk and eventually came to the edge of the town. The Whitetail Woods stretched to the west, its pleasant, sunny confines broken with innumerable meadows and glades. To their left, a wide pasture, empty in the autumn morning, beckoned to Rarity. She stepped off the path into the long grasses, not caring if any stuck to her coat or if her hooves got dirty. That would just be another excuse to visit the spa again, she reasoned.“We don’t have spaces like this in Fillydelphia,” she said when Dash caught up. “We have parks, but they’re filled with short stubble and a few trees, and they’re always so crowded.” She looked around the pasture; the waving grass extended for hundreds of yards in every direction, dotted here and there with late wildflowers. Insects buzzed around them, and in the distance birds filled the air with their cries.“You miss this?” Dash asked, after some time had passed.“A little,” she admitted. “Not as much as Applejack or Fluttershy would… but yes, I do miss this.”