This mod, along a very heavy increase in defense and physical power, it also gains a new set of abilities and weapons, the main ones being the two fully automatic revolver barrel-like miniguns that can fire round after round for a limited time until they overheat, though this will stop the firing function it will also add a powerful fire effect to the punches Pinkamena throws while overheated. The backhooves armor have being reinforced into powerful bucker boots, able to kick 50 times Pinkamena’s weight at one speed of a 100 mph!
Last but not least, she gains a new headset, including an eyepatch with auto-aiming assistant, better tracking system, UV vision and critic selection to aim at the weak spots of large or more tought enemies and of course a sick kickass hat which is very fucking coolThe new skillset she gains is Hellburst, that makes Pinkamena fire without overheating 3 times the normal amount of ammo for 30 seconds, destroying everything in front of her miniguns ; Skillshot, that makes her fire a single round of high-speed piercing ammo like a sniper round to a single objetive ; Smokescreen , which as its name says, throws a couple smoke grenades to decrease visibility to the enemies and increase her chance of crits thanks to her eyepatch; and her Ultimate Skill, Zap-nuke, also known as “How Yah Like THEM Apples!” a single missile that will unleash a massive radioactive explosion that will errase everything in the screen and for a full minute, Pinkamena’s touch and rounds will become radioactive, turning enemies into apples that will heal her HP