“Coming! She heard a singsong voice call out, followed by hoofsteps as her wife promptly trotted into the room. Rarity approached Coco, seemingly unaware of the true magnitude of the stress she was under. “Is everything alright?”
The smaller mare slammed her hooves down on the desk as gently as possible, not even turning back to look at her wife when she entered the room. This was so deeply hard for her to say, she was sweating buckets and feeling queasy just from considering the idea of thinking about telling Rarity. Now, she had no choice. So finally she took a deep breath and said it. “I dont feel the same anymore Rarity, and I’m scared.”
“Don’t feel the same?” Rarity asked, “About…what?”
Suddenly Cocos voice devolved into the same meek unsure sound it was when they first met, shaking ever so slightly as she went on to explain herself further. “About us Rares. I still love you but lately I’ve noticed it’s just not the same. You didnt do anything wrong at all and I dont think I’ve hurt you.-”
Coco began to tear up. Her breathing was unsteady as the universe chose right now to flood every beautiful memory they’ve ever had together into her mind. Chose right now to remind her of the boys.
“Dont.” Rarity interrupted before she could go on. “Dont do this to yourself. I understand darling. We’ve simply drifted apart, there’s nothing either of us could have done to stop it. All that’s left to do is figure out where we go next.”