Page 1112 - Return to FormOne benefit of being an essentially one-man operation (except for guest comics and the awesome sequence ChrisTheS made) is that you know what your resources and limitations are. A slightly more obscure sub-benefit is that you can write yourself into a corner where you end up forcing yourself to improve your skills.For instance: Reinserting Rainbow Dash back into the party during this part of the show? Guess I better brush up on my image manipulation wizardry and lean more on using sub-panels. Gee, thanks me.
Discord: I’m not going to try and tell you that I’m “a draconequus of my word”… but I do believe you’ve all earned a reward.
Twilight Sparkle: Listen, Discord. I’ve watched the aftermath of you systematically going through my friends and trying to break them. So whatever “reward” you have in mind – personally, I think I’ll pass.
Discord: Really? Even if it’s your horn back? That’s quite mature of you, Sparkle. You’ve truly grown.
Twilight Sparkle: What?
DM: When Discord snaps his fingers, there is a flash of light and suddenly your horn has returned. You feel a rush as your mastery of magic flows back into you.
Twilight Sparkle: Y-You’re giving me my magic back??
Discord: It was only an anti-cheating measure for the maze. I said as much, didn’t I?
Fluttershy: Do the rest of us get our wings and horns back?
DM: Yes. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are restored.
Rainbow Dash: YES! C’mon, let’s jump him while we got the chance!
Fluttershy: Are the… curses gone too?
Discord GM: Why, what are you talking about? Our “game” is far from over.
Rainbow Dash: “Curses”…?
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