I love these two so much. Flimjack is undeniably my OTP, and Flim and Applejack are just the most perfect couple. I always loved Flim and Flam, and after reading a few fanfictions of Flim and Applejack, they became my OTP for life. It was really satisfying in Viva Las Pegasus when they teamed up, and I wish there had been more chemistry between the two in the show instead of those ridiculous last two seasons.
Most Liked Pairing: Twilight Sparkle x Flam
This one would technically be Flimjack, but that’s already down as my OTP, and Twiflam is my second favourite ship. It may be a crack ship with zero chemistry, but after reading an amazing Flimjack/Twiflam fanfiction, I was hooked on the ship for life. Plus I think they could actually have the potential to be a really cute couple. Flam is into inventions and information like Twilight is, and I figure if Flim and Flam reformed, Twiflam could definitely be a thing.
Most Neutral Pairing: Lyra x Bon Bon
I like these two. I always liked their friendship/relationship and how we always knew they were in love just from the way they acted. As much as I hated Season 9, I’m glad they ended up getting married. Despite that, Lyrabon is still a neutral pairing for me. It’s just not a ship that I go “OMG I LOVE THAT SHIP SO MUCH!” about. I like them, I just don’t adore them to pieces the same way I do with certain other ships.
Most Disliked Pairing: Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry
Never cared for this ship. I liked the romance between Human Flash and Twilight, but since Twilight looks nothing like her human self as a pony, and Pony Flash looks nothing like Human Flash (and also isn’t Human Flash), it hardly strikes me as the same pairing. Pony Flash has no personality or chemistry with Twilight, so this ship was never one that appealed to me.
NOTP: Applejack x Trenderhoof
This one would technically be Fluttercord, but I’ve put Fluttershy and Discord down on “Just Friends”, so there’s no point in putting it in twice in the meme. I absolutely despise Trenderhoof, and how he wouldn’t leave Applejack alone, and especially his pathetic and cheesy flirting methods. I could not hate this pairing more.
Cute & Innocent Pairing: Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
I love these two. They’re just super perfect for each other, and I can’t possibly see them with anypony else. They think the same, they both have the same crazy sense of humour, and seriously, I could go on FOREVER about all the reasons this ship is so perfect. I just wish we’d actually got to see it earlier in the show, and watch an episode where they got together.
Sin Pairing: Rainbow Dash x Zephyr Breeze
I can’t deny that I love the pairing of Rainbow Dash and Zephyr Breeze. It probably sounds hypocritical of me to like this ship as I hate Trenderhoof for chasing a mare who isn’t into him, but I just love Zephyr’s attitude and voice, and his pick-up lines with Rainbow Dash are hilarious. Obviously they aren’t meant to be or anything, but I just love Zeph so much that I can’t help but ship them.
Guilty Pleasure Pairing: Maud Pie x Mudbriar
As much as I despise Mudbriar, and Seasons 8-9 in general, I regretfully did find the Maudbriar romance in many episodes adorable. It’s definitely a guilty pleasure ship, as I WAY preferred when it was just Maud, Starlight and Pinkie, and would have rather Mudbriar never introduced, but I did find their romance cute.
BroTP: Flim and Flam
No explanation needed here. They’re bros.
Just Friends: Fluttershy and Discord
I’ve loved Fluttershy and Discord’s special bond ever since their first episode, and I feel we just can’t get enough of their relationship in the show, but I find it utterly repulsive how some fans actually ship them romantically. Just how is that possible? Their relationship does not work like that. I remind myself countless times that fandoms are gross, and people do ship these kinds of ships in them, but still. It’s practically the equivalent of a pedophilia ship, and just plain disgusting in general. I have never for the life of me understood why anybody would ship these two romantically. It’s just—no.
Most Overrated Pairing: Rarity x Applejack
This one would technically be Fluttercord as well, but Rarijack takes second place. All Mane 6 ships are gross, but Rarijack has to be the most overrated of the lot. So many Rarijack shippers are so biased. Yes, there was a suggestive scene in Rollercoaster of Friendship, but that could so easily just be platonic affection that happens to also contain shipping fuel. Also, A: Rarity has been confirmed straight on many occasions, and B: shipping best friends is gross. That’s the main reason I dislike so many same-sex ships; because shipping completely platonic friends, particularly ones who are straight, is just gross. Rarijack has to be one of the grossest, though. I’ve never understood why anyone would ship any of the Mane 6 with each other, especially these two.
Most Underrated Pairing: Spike x Rarity
I’ve shipped these two since the first episode, and I love every part of Spike’s crush on Rarity and all the chemistry they have in their episodes. It was my OTP until I got into reading fanfictions and Flimjack came along. All the things Spike does for Rarity are adorable, particularly that song in Best Gift Ever. That melted my heart. Sparity definitely rules.