Page 1016 - Now You Hit MeArtist: ChrisTheSAlternate punchline:
Pinkie Pie: WAAAAIIIIT!! You have to tell us: Is bloodied Blueblood’s blood blue? THIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT!
DM: Elusive casts a spell called Selective Sight. It deals a little psychic damage, and until the start of his next turn, Elusive is invisible to Applejack.
Applejack: What? I can’t see him?!
Rainbow Dash: Uhh… WE still see him. Can’t we, I dunno, point out the square he’s in?
Rarity: I believe we can…
Applejack: Then do it!
Twilight Sparkle: Uh-oh… This is a weird rules situation… Even knowing his position, it either counts as total concealment or blinded…
Fluttershy: G-Good luck?
DM: What shall you do, AJ?
Applejack: Oh, y’know, the usual. Twin Strike.
DM: Wha– How did you hit that?!
Twilight Sparkle: Ha! In that case… I follow up with my Magma Beast! Charge!
DM: Well then. Blueblood is now officially Bloodied. In response–
Applejack: Dang it!
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