Page 738 - Hypocritical HitAnd we’re back! I’m back. We’re all back, even though in some ways we never actually left. I’m tired as I write this.It’s hard for a DM to be exasperated with stuff they’ve technically allowed to happen, but let’s be honest: Shocking the DM is half the fun, for both sides. It wouldn’t be as entertaining if we didn’t overreact.
DM: PREVIOUSLY, IN EQUESTRIA… The party dropped everything and raced off to check on their out-of-town friend Applejack.
Applejack: Well, Ah’m here now, so that won’t be an issue this time.
DM: That’s right – after spending an entire session pinning AJ down, they finally learned the awful truth: That everything was fine and nothing was ruined.
Rarity: Are you mocking us for being concerned about our friend?
DM: No, I’m mocking how absurd that session was as a whole, fully aware that I allowed it to be that absurd and even added to it.
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