Page 641 - The Dream Job, Part 2Any stories of players getting kidnapped? We’ve probably had that one before, but it bears repeating after so long, I think.While you guys discuss that, if anyone needs me, I’ll be playing The Phantom Pain while fighting off a cold from hell; a hellcold, if you will.
DM: With Rarity, however, something entirely different happens…
Twilight Sparkle: What in the world…?
Rarity: Uh-oh. Not good!
Spike: Rarity! NOOO!
Pinkie Pie: I try to grab the monster! <roll>
Rarity: AHHH!
DM: It’s a smoke monster. Your dice are insufficient.
Pinkie Pie: …Wow, has it really been that long since Lost ended?
Rarity: Forget the smoke! Grab me!
Rainbow Dash: Sounds like a plan!
DM: Part of the mist takes solid form and swipes at Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Hey!
Rarity: Are you alright?
Rainbow Dash: Nothing that rage can’t fix! C’mon! <roll>
DM: Unfortunately, Rarity poofs into another dimension just before you can reach her. Phew! You didn’t derail the prologue for once.
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