The Equestrians are a recent threat to the Multiverse, using their sorceries to convert every sapient and equine being into yet another twisted mockery of the horse. On thousands of planets scattered across different dimensions, the Equestrians trot and mutate the inhabitants in the name of friendship, love, and tolerance. They are the Heralds of Friendship, who with their magic and cuddles bend a myriad environments to their fickle will. Massed herds of Ponies fire salvoes of magical energy to flatten their opposition, while Alicorns unleash psychic storms that rage across the battlefield against the stubborn and recalcitrant.
Codex: Equestrians features a vault of lore and rules, ideal for noobs and seasoned players alike who wish to annoy the living Immaterium out of stale and soulless foes.
Sergeant: “Hold the line, men!”Twilight Sparkle: “You’ll be ours before you’ll even open fire.”