Page 584 - Entrepreneurial SpiritI think we’ve already had a Story Time about player-invented events. Or maybe just about national events in general. Still, that doesn’t mean we’re not open to new stories that are tangentially relevant to any current topics.Speaking of events, have I mentioned I’m attending Everfree Northwest as a community guest? Oh, I have? And it’s currently on every comic page between the Author’s Notes and the comments? Okay. I’ll shut up for a while now.
Applejack: Alrighty then, lay it on us. Whaddaya have in mind?
DM: Well, there are a few notable events, some physical, some social, all of them guaranteed to put you in the spotlight if you do a good job. For instance, say, for Rainbow Dash, there’s the Best Young Flyer Competition in Cloudsdale. It’s a pegasus stunt flying contest overseen by the Wonderbolts. It’s in about five weeks, so you’ll probably want to train up for it…
Rainbow Dash: Ugh. You got anything a bit more excitin- Hold on. Who says we need to wait for anything? Why can’t we just, y’know…
Applejack: …make our own, promote the heck out of it, and win it ourselves. You genius.
Rainbow Dash: I know I am.
DM: Yyyeah, ‘cause no one’s ever tried THAT to get a Gala ticket before.
Twilight Sparkle: Have they?
DM: Uh… actually, no. No one’s ever tried.
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