Page 514 - Pony Princess ProblemsI would’ve had a character sheet for Luna by now, but I like to use the official 4e character builder for them that requires a paid subscription (that I use for a month and then abandon), and I’ve recently been hit by a severe case of card fraud. The issue’s been resolved, but until I recover, I’m not buying much of anything, much less a subscription.But if you were to ask me right now what Luna’s character build would be, I’d say: 1) I won’t know for sure until I’ve played around with the builder a bit more, 2) I’m awful at optimization, so chances are your build would better than mine, and 3) she’s absolutely a Warlord. Maybe multiclass into something arcane, but definitely a Warlord. It’s just too perfect.
DM: Time to field the obvious questions…
Rainbow Dash: A Princess?! Are you kidding me?! Isn’t that just a little bit OP??
DM: Okay. <sigh> To put it one way: The Elements of Harmony almost completely nerfed her. Since her return, she’s been regaining some of her old strength, but very slowly. Right now, stat-wise, she’s the same level as the rest of you. It’s also why she looks different now.
Twilight Sparkle: She looks different?
DM: Yeah. Back when you first saw her, she was small, had a lighter blue mane and body… Basically, she looked like a child compared to her sister. Now, she’s almost as tall as Celestia and has a similar ethereal mane, except filled with stars and constellations instead of an aurora.
Rainbow Dash: Okay, so forget the stats. You still gave our diplomancer a Princess to play, with all that political power. Isn’t that, like, socially OP??
DM: Well… As you’re about to find out, that’s also been nerfed.
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