Page 456 - This Is Your Life On PonyWhile establishing close family NPCs is a great way to create value and investment for characters in your world, the downside is that, eventually, you will have to roleplay as somebody’s mom.Fallout is Dragons should (hopefully) be coming out on Saturday, with both Session 14 and a bonus 14.5 mini-session.
Twilight Sparkle: So… are my parents also Wizards like me?
DM: Well, they’re both unicorns, but no. They’re both just average, middle-class citizens. They helped get you enrolled at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns…
Rainbow Dash: <snicker>
DM: …but other than that, they’re actually disgustingly normal ponies. Your mother, Twilight Velvet, likes to write adventure novels, and your dad, Night Light… I can’t recall off the top of my head what he does, but it’s a really normal job.
Twilight Sparkle: All of that sounds… pretty nice, actually. I mean, sometimes family can put a lot of pressure on someone, you know? At least with Twilight, there won’t be any-
DM: Your brother, on the other hand…
Twilight Sparkle: My BROTHER?!
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