Page 450 - Favor of the DiceToday’s subject for Story Time in the comments is that staple of all tabletop stories: The perfectly timed Natural 20.
Rainbow Dash: Hey, I appreciate the pep talk. From all of you.
Applejack: Anytime. It’s pretty much our specialty now.
Rainbow Dash: But I really do wanna try, y’know. Being more, uh, roleplay-y.
Twilight Sparkle: “Roleplay-y”?
Rainbow Dash: You know! Talking in-character. Learning lore and… stuff. I wanna give it a shot now. I don’t want a lame organization full of clones of me. I want something actually interesting!
DM: Well, lucky for you, I’m the kind of DM that has pages of backstory to go along with my “lame organizations.”
Rainbow Dash: Heh heh. Yeah, yeah you do.
DM: First, let’s start with a History check to see what you already know about the Wonderbolts.
Rainbow Dash: A what check?
DM: History. It’s that skill on your sheet between Heal and Insight.
Rainbow Dash: Um…
DM: …Between Endurance and Intimidate.
Rainbow Dash: Oh. Well, here we go… Rolling for History with a crappy +3. <roll> …What?
Fluttershy: Way to go!
Applejack: Well I’ll be!
Twilight Sparkle: Could NOT have timed that better.
Rarity: It’s certainly poetic, isn’t it?
Pinkie Pie: Do you believe in miracles?!
DM: Let me guess. Natural 20.
Rainbow Dash: So, uh… I guess I know everything about them, huh?
DM: I think you’re their #1 fan. And then some.
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