Page 177 - Letter to WhomeverIn this page’s comments, share a honest-to-goodness life lesson you learned from a roleplaying/gaming experience. For bonus points, share it in the “Dear Princess Celestia” format.
Pinkie Pie: “Dear Princess Celestia: Today we learned not to tick off the druid!”
Rainbow Dash: “Dear Princess Whatever: Today I learned you don’t ALWAYS need to slay the dragon.”
Twilight Sparkle: Hahaha…. Alright, I think I’ve got it.
DM: Fire away.
Twilight Sparkle: “Dear Princess Celestia: Today I learned to never lose faith in your friends. No matter how rough or discouraging things get, you can always count on them to help you overcome it. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”
DM: Nice. Spike sends the letter.
Rainbow Dash: So… do we get extra XP, or…?
DM: Look, the next time you level up, I promise you’ll be the first person to know!
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