Getting incredibly angry over the entirety of Season 9? Check.
Getting incredibly angry over the series finale? Check.
Getting so angry at the finale that it caused the fandom to start sending death threats to show staff, causing one of them to private their social media account? Check.
Getting incredibly angry over the new Pony Life series? Check.
And attacking others who are willing to defend or give the new stuff a chance and accusing them of being “slaves to the dark overlords at Hasbro”? Double check.
Seriously. What happened this year to cause the fandom to be so awful and cynical? Everything that happened this year makes past dramas like Alicorn Twilight, Equestria Girls, the Golden Oaks destination, Starlight, Flurry Heart, and the Friendship School seem like a schoolyard skirmish in comparison.
Let’s hope this isn’t the legacy we are leaving behind.