Page 121 - Home ImpairmentStory time!Adventurers are usually traveling constantly, but tell a story in the comments about players having a home base to call their own.
Twilight Sparkle: So… should we talk about how we leveled up our characters?
DM: Don’t worry, we’ll get to that. For now, today’s journey begins with Fluttershy at her cottage.
Fluttershy: R-Really? What am I doing?
DM: It is high noon, so I imagine you’re going around delivering each animal’s midday meal.
Fluttershy: Oh, of course. Animal caretaker, right.
Applejack: We’re not gonna spend two hours introducing ourselves again, are we?
DM: Of course not! That was only the first time.
Applejack: Then how come we’re doin’ the first-pony perspective thing again? Why not start us out together?
DM: Because that’s not quite how this world works. Your characters have their own lives and jobs to tend to. They’re not stuck together every minute of every day!
Rainbow Dash: Wait wait wait! The druid has her own cottage?
DM: I said as much.
Rainbow Dash: Do I have a house of MY own?
DM: Well, yes. Each of you has your own living space either within or around Ponyville.
Rainbow Dash: Sweet! I sell my house for lots of gold!
DM: …How many ways can I say no?
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