This is the second page, which talks about the Alt-Right, the opposite side of the politcal spectrum in their neverending and sensless war with the SJW’s.While I am a person who is more right wing then left wing, I have never considered myself to be “New Right” or “Alt-Right” because I hold the same beliefs any conservative has had for years. Pro-Capitalism, Less Government and Welfare, Death Pently, Less Taxes, etc. However, I’m not blind to the outright hatred that right wingers have for certain people be it political, racial, relligious, or other means. While the Alt-Right does contain members of skinhead or white supremsist groups from the start of it who have always been scumbags, a good number of the Alt-Right are people who became scumbags due to being victiums of hate themselves or feelings of betryal. The Alt-Right is the result of those who feel that they have been betrayed by their government for outsiders, socialists, or radicals and have come to the conclusion that certain groups want the “white christan people” to be “Wiped out” and the American Way of life to become a socialist/communist paradice where white people and christians are the bottom low tier of life or outright removed from existance. They see themselves (The white middle working class) being harrassed, deplatformed, and hated for existing and that whatever actions white people or males have done in the past they should pay for just because they happen to be the same color skin as them or the same Christian religion or born with a dick. Yes this does cause members of it to become outright racists, homophobes, or haters of all of various groups. Of course, instead of just clamly acting like rational people who try to defend themselves against such accusastions without giving into outright hatred like most people do, they instead think that “White people are dying” or “There is a conspericy to rid the white race” or “Politicans mixed with Islamic Extremists” or “males are being turned into woman” and things like that which furth cause the divide of politcal division. Alt-Right is pretty mush Social Justice Warrioring mixed with conspericy theory with their focus not being to diversicy the world into absolute mess, but to support only one group of people to create an absolute mess.Make no mistake, SJW’s and Alt-Right’s might have different idealogies, but their their methods are their desires are the same. “We are being opressed and we want to lash out against those oppressing us and if you disagree with us we will villify you.”
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