Page 69 - Equivalent ExchangeSomething like what Rarity’s doing here is probably what makes “dashing rogue” characters so darn appealing. They’re more than willing to help you out to the fullest, but they might help themselves to a pinch of gold while they’re at it.
Steven Magnet: My mustache! How WONDERFUL!!
Pinkie Pie: Your old tail is the new mustache?
Rarity: It was no doubt the most stylish piece of hair in the entire party.
Twilight Sparkle: But… didn’t you just say that would be traumatic for a fashion person?
Rarity: Yes, well… That’s still true, but… I’ll bear the loss somehow.
DM: In any case, the sea serpent is quite pleased with the mustache repair. The river calms down, and he even offers to carry you across on his back.
Rarity: That’s quite generous of him.
Applejack: Well, after what you did for ‘im, it’s only natural- HOLD ON. Did you keep the scale??
Rarity: Uh, moving on, moving on!
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