Though, after being told that she’s quite the small thinker if she thinks that such a joke should be taken more than it was, after being told she needs to get her head out of the clouds, out of her frivolous dreams and into the real world, and progressively worse sentiments, Spitfire breaks down, what little is left of her self worth tossed to the wind and her heart broken, she packs up her things, zips up her bags an heads out the door. All the while being told by her father that, fine, if she wanted to act like a weak minded pegasus, fly away. She wasn’t welcome in a home like there’s anyway if she were to continue to be so spineless.
And so she heads out, unsure of where to go or where to call home. She goes the only other place she would have thought to go. While dragging her hooves on the way there at the thought of her friend seeing her in such a state, let alone for her to ask such a thing of him, she heads to her friend Soarin’s house.
Upon arriving, she’d be met with not only the most painful situation of her life, but she would also be met with rain quickly pat, pat, patting against her head. Her things slowly getting more and more soaked as she hesitated on ringing the doorbell. Though, after gaining the courage to do so, she was then met with her perky friend Soarin’. Though, his perked up nature slowly drew more and more into concern.
“Fire?” he would say curiously. “what’s wrong?” he would ask. Spitfire would only feel a growing gut wrenching feeling in her stomach. She didn’t know what to say. how was she supposed to tell her friend she had ran away. How would she say just what she ran away for? What if he were to side with her father? what if she was just overreacting? She only sniffed and Soarin’ told his sister to go get Pa.
When inside, Spitfire met with Soarin’s dad face to face again. This time it wasn’t for pleasantries. It wasn’t for smiles or laughs, it was to ask for help. When Soarin’s dad had muttered out, “What’s wrong bud?” all she could do was break down, tears began streaming down her face as Soarin’ ushered away his sister into the other room.
Though, as his best friend and his Pa continued in the other room, he couldn’t help but get a bit curious. When he watched silently, he couldn’t hear much, only a few short words and the sad crying sounds from his friend. He couldn’t help but feel hurt for her. What was wrong? how could he help?
Then, as the conversation seemed to come to a close, his Pa and Spitfire embraced in a seemingly emotional hug. His Pa’s large wings wrapping easily around Spitfire as if to say it was all going to be ok. As Pa wiped Spitfire’s tears and gave her a tissue, Soarin’ approached slowly. “h…hey Spit… Is everything alright?” he said with a concerned tone. Soarin’ wouldn’t hear the sound of his best friend, though she seemed to open her mouth to say something, it was instead his Pa that piped up and said
“Spitfire’s going to be staying with us for a while”