At long last, after nine whole days I’ve reached the final class, the fashionable Frenchman: the Spy. Very recently I’ve started to actually play spy, and as it turns out, I’m pretty decent with the Your Eternal Reward (which had one of the most useless balances in Jungle Inferno, if you ask me). Nothing beats stabbing people in front of (or rather, right behind) their teammates and getting away with it, only to stab said teammates. Oh, and apparently I can pull off the occasional super sick trickstab whenever I’m a little cornered. I’ll have a sweet trickstab frag montage up in a week or so. But yeah, Spy is pretty fun to pick up every now and then, I guess.
I really like the Dapper Disguise, not just because of Borderlands, but also because people seem to find it freaky.
Valve, revert/buff the Amby, and buff the DR. Those changes were too harsh, even for someone who hates fighting both weapons.