“Today I present to you a collaboration between 3 friends… both in this image and during the making of it. First of all, a big thankyou to Lore Love ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/131106/LoreLove ) who wrote the clopfic of what this image is based off, without his raunchy story I wouldn’t have made this image. Thank you to SeanTheExtraGuy for both the cards and for making some coordinates/costumes for these girls to wear in this scene, I was just too lazy to make my own.
If you want to know where to read the clopfic, well, it’s a bonus with this years “Clop For A Cause” which you can go here https://derpibooru.org/2223993 and https://twitter.com/ClopForACause/status/1207423866475204608 if you want to support a cause as well as look at porn.
The clop fic is of Twilight, Applejack and Rarity having some raunchy fun together. Such a good read, and if you haven’t read any of Lore Love’s stuff before I highly recommend you do so by looking at his FIMFiction stuff and consider supporting Clop For A Cause to get access to this naughty story!”
I’m glad to see my cards getting used by people, even personal edits someone made I think gave me a run for my money if there was money involved lol I have made a couple of my own edits and shared them privately for now until I’m ready to perhaps share more cards of other ponies… depends if I get time. I know Kokonashi’s keen for more characters, I hope you all are too.