Before the attack on Canterlot by the villainous trio and Twilight’s coronation, Rainbow Dash met a stallion that would one day change her life. While practicing outside of the Wonderbolts Academy, she came across another pony who was flying just as fast as she. He even managed to do his own version of a sonic rainboom, accompanied by a shockwave full of electricity. The pegasus stallion recognized her from the Wonderbolts and introduced himself as Thunderhead. Rainbow Dash was surprised to know he had never qualified for the academy since he never bothered to apply due to not being as interested as she was. Despite this, Thunderhead was a very honest and likeable stallion and a free spirit just like her. They talked some more and saw each other every now and then. Thunderhead was present at the final battle against Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, helping everyone to stop them and got a special invitation to attend Twilight’s coronation. Some time later, they started dating and eventually fell in love and were married. Their first child was Storm Streak, the adventurous little colt who desired to become a Wonderbolt some day like his mother, next was the curious and somewhat mischievous Lightning Flash, and lastly was little Misty Blitz who is still a baby. Some time after Flash was born, Rainbow Dash made an incredibly difficult decision: she quit the Wonderbolts to become a stay-at-home mom while Thunderhead would work at a weather factory. She was very reluctant to do so, but she knew she needed to remain loyal to her family and never once regretted doing it.
Well there you have it. I know it might have been a bit weird using an OC for Rainbow Dash’s husband, and like I said, I was very tempted to make it be Soarin, but I put a lot of care into him and the relationship he has with her. I also loved the idea of Rainbow Dash becoming a stay-at-home mom to further prove she is the Element of Loyalty and also because she’d be a totally awesome mom!
Well there’s all the info I have right now for them. Like with AJ and her family, I have more info about them that will be in a later short fic telling it all. Stay tuned!
MLPFIM © Hasbro
Apple Chip, Annie Smith, and Flurry Heart’s Story concept © Me