The two studious girls stood frozen at her bedroom door, jaws agape in shock. It’s been nearly three weeks since they last saw Fluttershy. Before then, she was already nearing the tipping point of immobility. But now, it seems like all that time alone has done a tremendous number on her weight.
“Hi, Sunset. Hi, Twilight.” Fluttershy muttered back as she removed the feeding tube from her mouth. “Long time, no see.”
Her king-sized bed groaned and creaked beneath her mammoth-sized girth. Her massively fat belly was perhaps the most bulging feature of her immensely obese body, as it had swelled well past her feet and began to flow over the far edge of her bed. The rest of her enormous body seemed to have been long overwhelmed by its ever-growing size, making her look wider than she is tall. Her legs were now just useless logs of flesh, while her arms were just big. Even her fingers looked to be as thick as sausages.
Now seeing her in this bedridden state, it was more than obvious why Fluttershy hadn’t shown up for school… why her brother has had to pick up her homework… why she didn’t want to talk to anyone in person during this whole time…
“Holy H-Bomb, Fluttershy!” Twilight blurted out before Sunset elbowed her.
“Don’t mind her,” Sunset chuckled nervously, “She’s just… uh… excited to see you again.” They both walked up to the side of the bed to get a better look at Fluttershy, trying their best not to breath in a consistently lingering odor that can be best compared to a PE locker room.
They were soon greeted by Fluttershy’s plumped-up face. With large, chubby cheeks and a prominent neck roll, her head was propped up slightly by a couple of pillows. “How’s everything?” she spoke with a heavy breath. Despite appearing lethargic and out-of-breath, there was still something about her demeanor that felt like her old self.
“Oh, not much.” Sunset smiled and she rolled back her eyes. “Applejack lost a few more pounds.”
“And then Sunset found them,” Twilight quipped to herself.
“Hey!” Blushing almost as red as her hair, Sunset tugged on her jacket. As she did so, she could feel the extra padding on her own body wobble slightly.
Fluttershy gave a soft chuckle. “I’m glad you both could come and see me.”
“Oh, yeah. About that…” Sunset remarked, taking out pencils and notebooks for both her and Twilight. “You texted us that you haven’t been eating as much anymore?”
“Yeah,” Fluttershy began to explain, taking her time as she did. “I usually have to drink five meal-replacement canisters a day, but lately I can barely get through one or two of them.” Her gut suddenly gurgled loudly, causing her to stifle a deep belch. “Ugh. I’m only halfway through this one, and I’m already feeling so full. I think my cravings are finally stopping now.”
“Interesting!” Sunset exclaimed, “Can you tell us more? You might start to lose some weight pretty soon. And maybe all this can help us understand this magical surge a little more.”
Fluttershy’s belly gurgled once again, visibly quivering this time. “Uh, maybe we should speed it up a bit?” Twilight asked anxiously, “Or else Fluttershy might have her own surge.”