left pic:
“You wanted to see me Aunt Celestia?” Blueblood walked into the room his Aunt told him to go , her sitting
on a table with tee and Sweets.
“Yes Blueblood.I called you here to discuss an Idea i had” She smiled at him.
“Then please tell me this…idea tough i highly doubt i like the..“He started
“I want you to marry Twilight” She interupted him , again smiling.
“M-marry Miss Sparkle?” He blushed a Little , choking on his words.
“Oh I knew you would not like the idea what was i thinking?” She calmy replied.
“Wait…does she wants to marry me?” In his Voice there was some hope and his eyes sparkled with
the same Emotion.
“She will.I´ll tell her to go on a Meeting with you and you Play your charm , easy is it not?” She seems to have planned this for some time now.
“Why do you want us to marry?” He did not realy want to hear an answer ,already thinking how cute miss sparkle must look from up Close.
“Im together with Discord a King , my Sister with Thorax also a King , Cadence with the Head of the Royal Guard , Brother to a princess and now a prince.I only want Twilight to Keep the Royal blood up.You understand me?” Her reasoning seemed smart and well fought out.
“I would love to but..” “No buts , you will do it wont you?” She looked him deep into the eyes.
“Yeah sure..I´ll do it Aunt Celestia” He said again thinking about Miss Sparkle.
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Twilight set next to Celestia”So you wanted to talk to me?“She smiled at her old Mentor
“Yes I should have had a Meeting,with Blueblood in an Hour but I have something more important to do
so could you please meet him?” She smiled back at her former Student.
“Yes of course.Where and when?“She levitated a Notebook and a quill ready to take notes.
“In about an Hour at the entrance to the Garden , he will tell you what you Need to know”
Twilight looked a Little confused by that”What do you mean with he will tell me what i Need to know?”
“Well I have to go now so i wont have time to inform you about the things you should talk , nothing more”
“Oh..im sorry i missunderstood at first.If thats what you meant then everythings good” She gave her a Hug , Celestia hugged her back.
“Then See you tomorrow , my dearest Twilight!” Celestia took of , Twiligt waving at her
“See you soon princess!!”
Have I ever said that Blueblood thinks Miss Sparkle Looks quite attraktive?No , well now you know!
He never realy meet her up Close but was completly enchanted then he did.