The nurses and doctors in Ponyville were having a rather calm day, until Princess Twilight and her wives exploded into the waiting room out of nowhere.
They spent the next several hours not only helping 3 mares give birth, which they were practiced at, but also keeping the others calm and out of the way. Three panicked ponies was three too many.
Finally, the foals had been cleaned and diapered, their vitals checked, and returned to their parents’ room.
Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie’s beds had been scooted together, and the mares were gathered and cuddling when their babies were brought back.
They each had had their chance to hold the babies before they were whisked away to be checked, of course, but upon their return, it was like seeing them for the first time. They all fell silent as their babies were carefully laid at the end of the bed.
It wasn’t long before Pinkie Pie said what everypony was thinking; “They’re perfect”
Everypony else either nodded or hummed in agreement.
There were two fillies, and one colt. A pegasus, a unicorn, and an earth pony, respectively. Twilight smiled at that; of course their children would be an even mix.
Their attention was drawn to their colt when he dropped the binky he had been sucking on. He sniffled and cried until Applejack gently nudged it back into his mouth.
“He has your eyes Applejack!” Rarity said, lovingly.
“And your whine” Applejack teased. Rarity stuck her tongue out at her wife playfully.
“Look at our little pegasus! She’s napping like a champ, just like her mom!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, eager to brag about her awesome offspring.
Soon the mares were all pointing out the traits they could see in the foals.
The pegasus had freckles; that was certainly Applejack’s doing.
Nopony could miss the unicorn’s curly pink mane, so much like Pinkie Pie’s. Not to mention how happy, smiley, and giggly she was!
Their pegasus filly had most definitely inherited Fluttershy’s long flowing mane, even if the color came from Rainbow Dash.
The fetlocks on their little colt could’ve come from Rarity’s, Rainbow’s, or Applejack’s father, so they shared credit.
They compared their coats to their babies’. The colt’s was so much like Twilight’s; just a little lighter … perhaps from just a dash of Rarity? They agreed that their little unicorn had almost an even mix of Fluttershy’s yellow and Applejack’s orange. And the deep blue of their pegasus filly could only have come from a mix of Rainbow Dash and Twilight.
The mares sniffled and smiled at their perfect, precious little babies.
Suddenly Twilight laughed. “I never thought I’d be so grateful for something Discord did!”
Everypony joined in the laughing and agreed. They were so grateful for their new family.