Dispirit all her problems, Star was never really seen as bad pony, on the contrary, many of the townsfolk did see her as somepony they could rely on, but still an overly dangerous young mare to be around if crossed. Still, she found herself on the bad side of the local law enforcement often enough, some times even when she didn’t do anything, that she would develop a rebellious streak just to tick them off. Because of this, many of her friends were among the outcasts, thouse not all that wanted by the town, which included the second son of one of the Griffin Gun Runners, a hippogriff who was just as rebellious. As teenagers with nothing better to do, and lots of bad ideas, the inevitable happend, and Star found hers pregnant at 16, and under the very upset eyes of Prism, whom then put her under house arrest.
After the birth of her daughter, Star did some deep thinking, now having a life fully dependent on her. She may have wiled part of herself, but she was not completely irresponsible, Prism had thoughter better then that, so once her little filly didn’t need her around all the time, Star finaly dicided to stop rebeling, and get a job… only to find that the town would let her just have one. Her mother did try to help, gatting Star a part time job as a daycare assistant, something she turnd out to be good at, but it was verry much not paying enough caps to properly support her kid.
Fortunatly of her, there were a few places just outside of New Appaloosa that didn’t share the towns sence of who or who should not be accepted, one being the Gun Runners, the old griffion more then glad to see his grand daughter. But bussness was never frequent enough at the Gun Runners, and she needed a job that could pay dayly. This is where she found herself at the dance club, a place were a few of her friends already worked, both because they were not the best at life choicses, but also that they too were being kept out of the normal job market do to being raider kids. Star easily got the job, and though Prism disapproved, she also understood why, and trusted Star to do the right thing. As it turns out, Star did not just make a good Dancer, but also an even better Bouncer, and was a pony all the other Dancers came to rely on for protection. This became important, as new Dancers came in, they would come with baggage that needed dealing with, whom didn’t see Star as a thriet untill it was too late.
Over the few years, the tention between her and the sheriff would ease a bit, as any trouble Star did cause stayed out of town, and to ponies the town didn’t care about. Also her job with the foals helped endear her to the other parents, many ingoring her other jobs, and the foals seeing her like an older sister.