It’s been well over an hour and Rarity has looked through every plus-sized swimwear she could find in the Boutique. As tedious as this was, she couldn’t be more thankful to see that the store has finally been adding some larger sizes to their collection. With a dozen two-piece swimsuits in hand, she began to make her way towards the dressing rooms, eager to try them on.
As she hung her purse up to the side, she stared ahead through the pulled-back curtain and into the large, empty dressing room. Her eyes then glared down at the unusually small door, knowing very well that she’s far too wide to just simply walk in. “I’ll save myself the embarrassment.” Rarity sighed to herself as she enters sideways. Even with her belly sucked in, she still felt her fat body rubbing against the frame. “I swear, I’m going to have to do my shopping online if I get any bigger,” she muttered as she dropped her clothes onto the bench.
She closed the curtain behind her. With shoes kicked off and her belt unbuckled, Rarity began taking off her dress, top, and underwear. She couldn’t help but sigh with relief as she felt the cool AC drift across her large, soft body. She looked down at the pile of swimsuits, trying to decide which one to try first. “Hmm. I suppose I can start with this one.” She reached out for the bright purple swimwear.
First, she slipped on the bottoms, sliding it up until it fit tight over her lower belly. Next came the top, which was a bit more of a process for her. Unlike a regular bra that can be hooked up, this functioned more like a sports bra. It was quite a struggle, from fitting her flabby arms through the holes to tugging and adjusting her breasts until they were somewhat comfortable.
Despite the possibility of being a size too big for these clothes, Rarity couldn’t help but admire the way her generous figure looked. With a mirror on each side of the room, she took her precious time striking various poses. “Ooh, this calls for a selfie,” she gleamed as she pulled back the curtain.
Just as she’s about to reach out for her purse, she felt something suddenly hold her back. “Oh, no.” Her eyes widened as she quickly realized what had just happened. Her wide body proved to be too much for those narrow doors.
She huffed, puffed, and grunted as she tried to free herself, getting some unwanted attention in the process. Some people laughed, while others just felt sorry for her. All the while, her face grew redder from a both exhaustion and embarrassment. It may have about five minutes for everyone else, but for Rarity, it was an endless nightmare.
“Don’t worry, miss,” one of the employees tried to reassure, “I’m getting some extra help to pull you out. You doin’ okay?”
“Lovely…” Rarity replied, feeling dead inside.