RD: Hello? Where am i? What is this place?
Celestia approaches.
Tia: Congratulations, Rainbow. I knew you could do it.
Rainbow Dash walked near Celestia, hugging her.
RD: I don’t understand. What did i do?
Tia: you’ve done something today that’s never been done. You performed a Sonic Rainboom in Cloudsdale, leading your friends to their destiny, earning their Cutie Marks. Nopony else can do that. you’ve proven you’re ready, Rainbow Dash.
RD: Ready? Ready for what?
Celestia began singing.
You come such a long, long way and I’ve been watching you that very first day. To see how you might grow. to see what you might do. to see what you been through. and all the ways you’ve made me proud of you. It’s time now for a new change to come. you’ve grown up and your new life has begun. To go where you will go to see what you will see. To find what you will be. For it’s time for you to Fulfill your destiny.
Magic came out of Rainbow Dash’s chest, surrounding her.
Suddenly, She teleported back into Ponyville. With a big cutie mark covering her in the sky. The ponies watched as she floated down on the ground.
AJ: …Rainbow Dash? She covered her forehead with her hoof, watching the big lights shine.
AJ: Is that You?
Rainbow Dash was bending down on the ground, She stood up and her horn showed, With lights shining from her.
To Be Continued.