:XD: this pic’s theme has been stuck in my head for weeks! Every since it did that status update after burning mah chicken pie!
Literally, everyday traveling to work, since my radio is broken, i’ve been singing ‘‘Eating up my piiiiies’’ its a sad existence, but, fun! ;p
Imagine if Tempest had managed to double cross the ‘Storm King’ and get all the power for herself.
With nothing to stop her and without the ‘good realisation’ she has at the end of the movie… :p I’m thinking possible dictatorship/ ruling with a iron fist
Several years later, she’s gonna get bored of sitting on the throne, doing nothing but giving orders all day.
So, in her boredom, i can just see her heading into the kitchen and finding ways to amuse herself like this, haha! welcome to the madness of the inside my head!
XD also, AJ’s unamused look as she looks across at Pinkie, poking Rainbows butt makes me laugh, haha! and yes i googled for pony poses! XD mostly for the hairstyles, but, i admit i did imitate Raritys pose, coz, it just seemed perfect for this pic. ;p