Save for the two older Apples, the Crusaders were the only one’s awake at this hour, and for the time being had the house to themselves. After reading her sister’s note, Apple Bloom headed downstairs to fuel up and join in cleaning off the road. The other Crusaders followed behind, not being awful friends (plus, it sounded easier and safer than trying to revive an evil unicorn king). Of course, Scootaloo brought her own brand of enthusiasm with her, and they plundered the garage for tools. Any tools, as it turned out.
“Ya just want ta use the crowbar, don’t ya?” Scootaloo gave Bloom a look of shock that would have looked absurd on Rarity. “I’m just preparing for the worst here! That’s why I’m the leader.” “YOU’RE the leader?” “Wait, we have a leader?” Sweetie Belle set the axe on the table and sat down, puzzling over this new information. “Yeah I’m the leader! I have the best ideas!” “Ah come up with ‘em all!” “And I make the best ones.” “Do not!” “Do too!”
The coup was interrupted however when Apple Bloom spooted a familiar blue can on the table was still steaming. “Hey, ya’ll ever tried this stuff before?” Sweetie shook her head “nuh-uh, Rarity says it’ll ‘punt my sloth’ or something. She’s always drinking it though.” “Yeah, Dash says she lives off the stuff! It’s gotta be good, right?” A smirk started to form on Apple Bloom’s face. “And AJ and Mac always have a cup in the mornin’. Ya know, just maybe…” Scootaloo grabbed three mugs off the counter “We DO have to be ready for anything!” She poured the steaming brown liquid into each of the mugs and passed them around. Sweetie took hers hesitantly. “We don’t have to kick any sloths, right?” “No, Sweetie, we’re not kicking anything.” Scootaloo deadpanned, to the immense relief of the little unicorn.
“Well girls, bottom’s up!”