DoubleRarity: Very formal and a power couple, Rarity is the upcoming fashion designer and personal designer for athlete, snow sports champion, Double Diamond. After a while of designing Double Diamonds competition and formal outfits, Rarity got to know him over the little talks they have in her measuring and stitching sessions. She finally worked up the nerve to ask him out one day, which he said yes to. They are the ‘It’ couple ponies talked about after Shining Armor and Cadence, and before Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry. They were rising stars and supported one another. They may seem different, but thy find many things in common and like the things that make them different about one another.
Pinkie Favor: They became pen-pals after the Mane 6 helped the village, they spent their time together during he Sunset Festival and became a thing the night of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry’s wedding. The two seemed to balance one another out, bouncing party ideas off one another and understand the craziness. Party told Pinkie his idea of setting up a party supply store with a bakery in it, which she gladly bounced off the walls for (literally). After setting up the shop himself, he brought her to see inside, where he proposed. They forever stayed the party-loving-outgoing couple to the day.
RainLane: Rainbow Dash always buttheads with Thunderlane since they were little. She always pushed him past his limits. But he always supported her, even when she became a Wonderbolt. He sat in reserves, watching her fly with the greats. They had cleaning duty together one day and he, in a nervous wreck, asked her out for some Cider one day. She gladly agreed and after the first date, he stole a kiss from her, earning him a squeaky, ruffled Rainbow Dash. They married after a few months of dating and she still pushes his limits but now he knows how to calm down and shut up one of the most marvelous Wonderbolt ever.
I think I’m starting to get the hang of my kind of anatomy for my art style now, but not quite sure. Hopefully they turned out alright.
And hopefully you find them as cute and adorable as I do