
So incase you don’t know at GDC Google announced their new streaming platform for video games called Stadia and the more I heard about it the more I thought of Sunset Shimmer using it for her gaming channel shimmercode
If you want more info on it, check these links out.
I have to ask what do you guys think of Stadia, also what do you think Microsoft, PlayStation, and Nintendo will do to compete with it? personally, I’m not too sure about Stadia cuz I like having physical collections of video games I own and also going to the store to buy new games and/or consoles, and you know actually owning my video games and video game equipment, also this could be bad for people who either have bad internet or don’t have internet at all, but at the same time even though it contradicts what I just said I do like the idea of a sort of Netflix for video games cuz then I won’t have to worry about things like unplugging a console to play another console that couldn’t be plugged in and also fires from all the plugs.



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