A remake of an old piece.
Quite the improvement eh?
“In your dreams! As you can see,these are
plastic covered, specifically ONE pound
dumbbells! I do this once every three weeks to
maintain my beautiful slim,sleek and NON
muscled figure! No muscles growing on this
mare! If you think I’m trying to BULK up and get
huge muscles,you’re wrong! You’ll never see
muscles on me! NEVER! Now go bother
AppleJack over there at the bench press ,she has
those ugly ,huge ,and clothes tightening ,non-
lady like muscles you colts obsess and crave so much! Now stop staring at my backside and let me finish my cardio ,you muscle addicts!
Rarity is not amused one bit….XD
What do you guys think of her attitude?
Rarity belongs to Lauren Faust and Hasbro
Artwork and Dialogue by Me.