Fluttershy: “Awe, Rainbow Dash I’m telling you that you look adorable.”
Rainbow Dash: “Thanks, but I’m so nurvous.”
Fluttershy: “It’s fine sweetie. I know you’re feeling shy, but I’m sure they’ll love you at the daycare.”
Rainbow Dash: “I hope so.” Scoots back in her seat a little “A-are you sure they’ll understand?”
Fluttershy: “The whole place is designed for special babies like you. I just know they’ll love you.”
Rainbow Dash: “A-alright. C-can I have my bottle?”
Fluttershy: “Sure thing sweetie…” Hands her a bottle of milk
Rainbow Dash: Closes her eyes and suckles on it
Fluttershy: “Mmm, momma’s wittle angel.” Kisses her on the forehead “Come on, lets head out.”