“Just where would she exactly be?” Twilight Sparkle asked her.
“I really don’t know where she is, but she has to come out somewhere.” Rarity said, looking so happy with a smile.
“Hopefully she’s not hurt or kidnapped.” Fluttershy worried.
“Don’t worry, she might be somewhere far away.” Pinkie Pie told them, who is also happy.
“How would you know if she is doing something far away?” Twilight Sparkle asked Pinkie Pie, who seems to have a weird look on her face. “When was the last time you seen her?”
“I don’t know when was the last time I’ve seen her.” She told Twilight.
“Hey, look!” Applejack told the four, noticing that it might be some giant shadows coming down. However, they all soon realized that it was Rainbow Dash coming down, but her size is different. Then suddenly, her hooves came, shaking down the ground, making the rest of her friends start to gasp. And then finally ran to her a little bit.
“Rainbow Dash, are you alright?” Pinkie Pie asked her.
“Oh, I’m alright.” Rainbow Dash told her.
“But why are you so gigantic? Just how did this all happen to begin with?” Rarity asked Rainbow.
“I actually used some growth spell potion, and that I when I saw it at first, I was worried, but then I liked the potion, therefore I started growing. And since I’m gigantic, this makes the biggest pony ever!” Rainbow Dash told them, who looks so excited about herself as a giant.
“You always wanna use to stuff for fun, but we don’t.” Applejack told her, who looks a little bit uncomfortable.
“Come on, it’s gonna be fun when I’m at this size!” Rainbow Dash said, who looks more excited than ever. The rest of the five gave out a sigh as she started walking.
Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy vectors are owned by www.deviantart.com/estories/ar…
Rarity vector is owned by www.deviantart.com/patec/art/R…
Rainbow Dash vector is owned by www.deviantart.com/dashiespark…
Background is owned by www.deviantart.com/hellswolfeh…