Wait- what is your magical mastery? Artificing and telekinesis, mostly.
It’s where you take an object, embed it magical properties, and release it into the world for others to use.
Ah, like that book of creation you had at your old castle!
Oh… you used it, didn’t you?
A little…
She almost turned Ponyville into a second Canterlot, thus eventually being forced to turn the tome in.
You… what? :iconraritysadfaceplz: It was impossible to keep up with demand; I had to make hundreds of dresses in a few days time.
I even used the tome to make a second tome before putting the original back.
So this is why my 3D printers never sell.
YOU jerks are using one 3D printer to print an infinite number of 3D printers.
I don’t- I… need to go lie down.