Part of my Digimon Adventure 02 crossover fic, Digital Harmony. This is the “Harmonic Evolution” of Pinkie Pie, a hybrid digimon with power equivalent to a champion. While in the Digital World and Earth, pony magic is weakened substantially, forcing the Mane 6 to rely on their hybrid forms for dangerous circumstances.
Digimon Analyzer: Shinobimon
Type: Ninja
Attribute: Vaccine
Level: Hybrid (Champion Equivalent)
Special Attacks: Confetti Kunai, Mirror Mirage, Ninja Spinner
Shinobimon is a Ninja digimon that with unmatched skill in the art of stealth. While not especially powerful physically, it excels in techniques that can confuse and distract opponents, leaving them vulnerable to attack. Its personality is very cheerful and friendly, and while more than capable of violence, prefers to use its skill in stealth for harmless pranks or to throw surprise parties for unsuspecting digimon.