When I decided to draw this picture.
Forgive me if this is a sad work of art, but sometimes I like to draw pictures inspired by songs.
In this picture, Discord feels heartbroken and unwanted because he wanted to give Celestia another bouquet of flowers so he could win her affections, but when he found out that the Sun Princess is already in love with somepony else from another dimension, he flees to the Canterlot Gardens and then he weeps while picking petals off of the bouquet. Celestia didn’t know why Discord was crying outside, but then she remembers the day when she was young and that she rejected Discord and broke his heart when he offered her moonlight flowers in which he stole from the Royal Garden.
Meanwhile, Midnight Shade is in love and wants to tell Sunset Shimmer how much he feels about her, but he’s too afraid of being rejected by the mare he loves. So, Discord wants Celestia to love him back and Midnight Shade wants Sunset Shimmer to love him back as well, but they’re both afraid of being rejected.
NOTE: I do not own the backgrounds of Princess Celestia/Sunset Shimmer
Discord, Princess Celestia, Sunset Shimmer (c) MLP: FiM/Hasbro
Midnight Shade (c) MelSpyRose111