
“Tu me croises parfois  
Sans jamais pouvoir m’approcher.  
Le temps de te retourner  
J’ai dja dispura,  
Car en fait je n’existe pas vraiment.
Je suis la fille derrire l’cran,  
La fille de la vido.  
Et si tu m’appelles, je te rejoindrai.
Lorsqu’eux t’coutent  
Sans rien entendre  
Je pourrais rester auprs de toi,  
Poser ma tte sur ton paule,  
Boire tes mots et te comprende.
Vivre dans leur monde ne t’apportera rien.
Je suis la fille derrire l’cran  
la fille de la vido.  
Si je t’appelle. Me rejoindras-tu?”
A reboot to a very, very, VERY crappy drawing I did back in January. I was planning to do an art reboot on it, but I’ve been on such a photography binge ever since I got it back from Disneyland (Long story, short: It got lost there). So I figured, why not do a picture reboot of it?
Suffice to say, I love this shot. It was a bit difficult do because of the height. My bed is very small so I couldn’t get a good shot of the window, so I had to use all the pillows I have, stack them up, and put the laptop on it.
This is the result, hope you guys enjoy.


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