Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you’re full of ciders!
hick Everything is awesome! When you beat Appleja-ack!

Hello, dear Rainbow Dash! Done already?

Hell yeah, honey! You should’ve seen AJ’s face when I appeared in my full gloriness and declared complete victory! And that six pack: not a chance against my tummy!
hick OK, maybe drinking those bottles in ten seconds flat wasn’t such a good idea… But that doesn’t matter, ‘cause I WON!

I’m glad you’re happy, Dashie! Whatever makes your day, makes mine too!

S-stop it, Fluttershy, you’re making me blush! Geesh, my face is already burning…

Oh, come on, Rainbow, a little blushing never hurts. Anyway, I made you a little surprise!

A surprise? For me? Really? Can this day get any better? Shoot it, Fluttershy! Don’t tease me, please! I wanna get my surprise! C’mon! Do it! Do it! DO IT!!!


What the..?

Oh, poor little Dashie, probably you didn’t get that, so let me repeat myself: Boop!


Ha! Didn’t see that coming, eh? I counterbooped you! Take that, my love!
running away shouting in her squeaky voice 
I booped somepony! I did it! I did it! Yay!
Nice job, Fluttershy: your very first perfectly done retort! Bra-vo! You had a very good teacher - who’s very proud of you right now.
I so friggin’ love you, Fluttershy…