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This unicorn duo are alternate versions of the Mane6 from my works on FimFiction. A version in which, among other alterations to the timeline, the Sonic Rainboom never occurred.
After failing to hatch a dragon’s egg as her entrance exam to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and shaking her faith in her future as a scholar, Twilight Sparkle chose to instead follow in her brother’s hoofsteps by joining the Guard. Though she excelled in many fields (particularly tactics and strategy, due to a talent for being able to anticipate nearly all possible outcomes when given enough data) her low self-confidence and tendency to dwell on possible negative outcomes kept her from shooting up the ranks. After an evil entity named Eclipse returned from the ancient past to threaten Equestria, Twilight joined the other five in being one of the keys to its defeat, but in the process took actions which she felt made her unworthy to represent Princess Celestia by remaining in the Guard. Not wanting Twilight to go unrewarded for her service, however, Celestia saw to it that she found a position leading the Ponyville branch of Luna’s Rangers, a para-military organization tasked with guarding civilians from monsters and unusual threats. Her self-sacrificing nature and stubborn refusal to allow the innocent to come to harm show that she represents the Element of Loyalty.
Rarity Stone, once an overly romantic filly with dreams of being a famous fashion designer hob-nobbing with the Canterlot elite, found her life taking an unexpected turn when a seemingly random magic surge suddenly dragged her for miles away from her home, leading her to her destiny… which turned out to be a giant rock. Taking out her frustration on the rock for hours until she was exhausted, she began to question why she would be drawn to a rock of all things. On instinct alone, her magic started to feed her a sense of the precious gems hidden just underneath the dull exterior. Though she didn’t get the rock and its contents back home in time to bedazzle the costumes she had been working on before, she discovered that she had a talent for finding the hidden beauty and potential within things. A talent which she spent the following years gradually honing by becoming a rock farmer, an exclusively earth pony occupation. A talent which would help save Equestria when she connected with the spark of life hidden within a dragon’s egg and encouraged baby Spike to hatch, marking Rarity as her timeline’s Element of Magic.”


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