-After an extremely heated argument between Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom over whose life was more difficult (Diamond being a wealthy heiress with her life already decided and laid out for her, who hardly sees her own father due to his job. Apple Bloom being a farmfilly with no idea about what her future even is, but has had the love of her Grandmother and older siblings for most of her days.) Sweetie Belle came up with a good solution for the two.
Spend a week living the other’s life from their point of view.
This included spending time among the ponies that the other normally would. Both fillies rejected the idea. However, when Applejack and Filthy Rich both learned of the plan, the older ponies persuaded the two to give it a go. Begrudgingly, the two young earth ponies agreed to it.
It was only after Sweetie and Silver Spoon gave the two their “lifestyle makeovers” that the idea of switching lives truly began to sink in.